Maybe it’s because I turn 40 this year... maybe it’s because I have finally lost it or if honest stopped caring about having it in the first place...
I have decided that this year is the year of Karen. The year when I put myself first and do things that I want to do even if I am scared, nervous or frightened. I know that sometimes I care more about what other people think than I care to admit and I am a damn more sensitive than people think.. and far too sensitive for a Northerner! But this is the year that I hope to say sod it and do it anyway. If it all goes wrong think of the stories for this blog.
My view is that if you don’t think you can do something then you won’t do it..because you will have never tried. Fear, mostly of what other people think, will take over..
So its the year of living, having fun, saying what I think, taking chances and of course please remind me I said this when I forget .. well I am turning 40.
I remember laughing at another lady who said she is just glad that at 40 she doesn’t pee herself when she laughs.. she doesn’t even need tena lady light. I stopped laughing when I realised that if my bladder ever weakens I laugh so much that I will need to constantly wear wellies .. Pilates anyone?
(I did originally type willies which has just made me laugh out loud.. wouldn’t be too bad eh...)
I think that turning 40 is one of the reasons why I am doing this Trek. I leave in less than 3 weeks, and I am really nervous. Will I do it? Will I fall on my arse down a slope taking someone with me in the process? Will I enjoy it? How much will my knees ache? I know I will love it and do the best that I can but the worries are still there ...
So maybe this is why I have just agreed to and paid for a beginners burlesque course. Not too bad I thought until I got the list through of what I will need. So apart from blister plasters and deep heat I will be looking for nipple tassels this weekend.
The course starts on my return from China so my sexy walk may be a painful hobble. The mental picture of me placing my leg elegantly on a chair to peel off a stocking is one that sees me lifting my own leg with both hands, making those "oompfh" sounds that you do when you get older and then having a rest when the stocking snags on my hobbit feet…
Dita Von Tease? More like Karen Fucked Knees…..
So yes... nipple tassles. long gloves, stockings and heels..... maybe a few days after 120k on the Great Wall was not such a great idea. But at least it will give my mate a laugh and you never know.. I could end up being bloody good at it ..though I think with what God gave me I may have to go gentle on the tassel twirling to make sure I don’t break any HSSE laws....
Come The Day
Saturday 29.3.14 : Same Sex Marriage Equality in the UK.
It's a lovely, bright slightly misty morning on the river and a moment to
reflect on today's bi...
10 years ago
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